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Blue India and White Peafowl

24 Jun

I believe I shared earlier that my sister’s goose hatched one of the peacock eggs we put under her.  Sadly, that is the only one to hatch.  I do still have one hen sitting on a nest here, but she was joined by another girl.  I don’t know if they have more eggs there now or not.  I always think it’s interesting that even though they fly very well and roost up high, they build their nests on the ground.

I also have another hen sitting in the opposite corner.  Can you see her behind the chickens taking their dust baths.

Those chickens can really throw the dirt!  This might not have been the best place for a nest.  I’m just saying.

My white hen hasn’t sat on a nest for a couple of years, and it made me start to think about how old she is.

I figure she has to be right at twelve years old.  You can start to see in her face that she’s not a spring peahen anymore. One of the most common questions I get about her is the old albino question.  She is NOT albino; she is a white peahen.

I think she’s still beautiful, but I know with the peafowl it’s all about the boys, so here’s my blue India male.

Which is his best side?

Of course, his best side is the back side.  That’s the one with all the beautiful eyes in his tail.

Hopefully we’ll have more peafowl in a few weeks.  I know my sister wants more than just the one baby she has.

Linking to Macro Monday and Mosaic Monday and You Capture where the theme is blue.