Archive | April, 2012

Spring is in Full Swing

30 Apr

It’s hard to believe May is upon us.  Yet, looking in my back yard, I see evidence of spring everywhere.

It’s so green!  The leaves are on the trees now, and the dandelions have already had a banner year.

Beyond the fruit trees, lies my garden.  Well, hopefully it will become a garden again.  It’s horribly overgrown with weeds.  We’ve had four weekends in a row of rain.  I’m grateful for the rain, but it makes it almost impossible to get anything done outside. 

The herb garden is not faring much better.  There are scrub maple and mulberry trees that need to be cut out.  Weeds need to be pulled. 

The apple mint is taking over.  I know it’s invasive, but when I planted the apple mint, I was smart about it.  I had my dad cut the bottom out of a five-gallon bucket, buried it, and planted the mint in the bucket.  That way, it’s roots couldn’t spread.  Somehow, my buck cracked down the side, and the mint has escaped!

The wormwood is also trying to take over.  I love the silvery green leaves, but I had no idea it was so invasive.  If only I could figure out how to turn it into herbal wormer for the goats, I’d be in business.

My little patch of chives aren’t looking too hot.  I don’t know if the mild winter was hard on them or what the problem is. 

Still, they are starting to bloom.

My strawberries also have a lot of blooms.  It looks like I’ll be making jam or cake soon.

Spring is certainly in full swing!

Linking to You Capture where the theme is spring.

Linking to The First of the Month.  We’re following one topic throughout the year and showcasing it on the first of each month. (I know I’m a day early, but it’s going to be a hectic week.)  Below is my yard on the first of January – April.


Peach Pie Cake

29 Apr

If you need a great dessert, this one is perfect for any occasion.  It’s great straight out of the oven or as a coffee cake or even cold on a hot summer’s day.

For the peach pie topping use 4 cups sliced peaches, either fresh or frozen will work.  If they are frozen thaw them, but retain the liquid.

Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice to the peaches.

Stir in 3/4 cup sugar and 1/4 cup flour.

Mix in 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon ginger.

Mix this thoroughly and set it aside while you make the cake batter.

Start by creaming  1/2 cup of softened margarine and 2 cups of sugar in a large mixing bowl.

Add 3 eggs and beat until the batter is smooth.

Add 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt,

and 1 teaspoon vanilla.

Measure 1 cup buttermilk and 2 1/2 cups flour.  Add  a little buttermilk and mix.

Then add the first cup of flour.

Mix it up.

Keep alternately adding the buttermilk and flour, ending with buttermilk.  Mix the batter until it is smooth.

Spray a 9 x 13 cake pan and pour the peach pie topping into it.

Carefully pour the cake batter over the top of the peach pie topping.

I spooned the last of the batter into the pan because I didn’t want to mix it together.

Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.

I do have to warn you that, like a peach pie, this might bubble over.

It’s totally worth having to clean the oven.  Add a bit of ice cream for peach pie cake a la mode.

This might be one of the best cakes I’ve tried.

Linking to Homestead Barn Hop and Magical Monday.

What’s Blooming Now

28 Apr

It seems like every passing day has new flowers blooming.  The most recent to open and share their beauty include columbine.

That same flower bed also has the jack-in-the-pulpits.

Finally, the lily-of-the-valley have opened their delicate bell-shaped flowers.

I had my wonderful photographer’s assistant with me.


Snickers is very good at keeping an eye on things.

Linking to Friday PhotoSOOC Sunday, You Sunday Best, and Macro Monday.