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28 May

The theme for You Capture this week is move.  You might remember Annie’s little boy was born nine days early, and was pretty weak.

I have to say, in the last day or so Hershey has really started to move.

His legs have straightened out.

He’s filling out all that skin.

It’s still obvious that he was a premie by the way he acts, mostly sleeping and eating, but he’s exploring his surroundings a bit more.

Okay, he’s not into moving that much yet, and he still gets shaky and knocks himself off his feet, but he’s made amazing progress.

It’s been pretty warm around here, more of a put your hooves up and lounge around


or just curl up to take a nap type of weather.


Still, you have to feed your kids.

Pam and Maisie

Look at that tail!  It’s moving so fast it’s a blur!

Talk about movement.  I never get tired of watching those tails when the kids nurse.

Vist Beth for more You Capture pictures.  I am also linking this to Macro Monday.  I know it’s not truly macro, but Hershey is too cute not to share.