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Barnyard Scenes

8 May

We’ve gone through all three round bales, and now the goats are eating a haystack.  It’s bigger than the round bales, but it was not stored inside over the winter, so it’s not as good a quality.

Still, it’s food.


There’s getting to be quite a few bigger spaces where we’ve had to cut Dolly some goats out of the panel.  The ones with big horns appreciate it.


Some goats like that we had to put the haystack down at the bottom of the hill.  It means where the last one was there is a nice bed of hay.

Hopefully, the fence will be replaced this weekend.  The girls really want green stuff.  They are keeping even the icky tasting weeds that they don’t touch when they have pasture eaten down.


We’re getting ready for three girls to give birth.  They are due on Saturday.


Finally, Coral is recovering nicely from her surgery.  She spent about three days crying almost constantly, but she’s starting to act like herself again.  If I had been thinking, I would have shown her the baby before we came home.  She was unconscious for the C-section, and I’m sure it was very confusing for her.

Pistol and Coral

Her mother, Pistol, has a hernia on her right side.  There is a small tear in the muscle, and there is a soft bulge where the injury is.  Because she is due to have kids in about a month, I will keep her protected and keep a close eye on her for now.  After her kids arrive, we’ll take care of the hernia.

Pistol (before the injury)

The most likely cause for this injury is being butted or hit in the sides.  That’s one of the problems with feeding the goats like this~the smaller less assertive goats are more likely to get picked on.  I will be very relieved when they can go out to pasture.

Linking to Wordless Wednesday despite my wordiness.  Project Alicia, Live and Love Out Loud, Naptime Momtog, Create with Joy, Tina’s Wordless Wednesday.