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14 May

I finally got into my garden.  That sounds kind of like I was actually working the soil and tending vegetables, but I really mean I finally tackled the weedy mess.

It’s not fair.  The weeds had a huge head start on me because of our mild winter.  I just haven’t been able to get in there and clean it up.  I’m still teaching for a couple more weeks, and every weekend has been rainy.

Today, I took a personal day from work (yes, we’re still waiting for Muffin to give birth), and I finally cleaned it off.  I had to remove all the tomato cages.

I mowed it with the push mower because I figured I’d miss a few cages.  I did, but at least I didn’t ruin a mower. 🙂

The birds were enjoying all that green stuff to sift through for good things to eat.

I still need to rip out the old raised bed.

I still need to reclaim the herb garden, but you can see it’s not just a wild place anymore.

I can see that there’s a tree and flowers and not just a weedy mess.

Look at how beautiful the peonies look now.

I love the lines of sunlight shining down!

Now I just need to get the garden tilled and planted, and it will really look like summer!

Linking to Homestead Barn Hop and You Capture where the theme this week is lines (I hope my lines of sunlight count).