Tag Archives: Buffy

A Bunch of Birds

19 Jun

I haven’t had may walks out in pasture just to see the birds, but I have captured a few birds here and there.  And this post was postponed a couple of times due to goat births, so I’ve added to it (or upgraded the pictures) also.  Of course, I have to start with my two girls enjoying their freedom from the chicken pen.

Miss Goose and Buffy

an Eastern meadowlark in pasture

a juvenile dove in my yard

There are sooo many dickcissels this summer.

I think I have bluebirds nesting in my yard or barnyard this year, which is pretty awesome.

barn swallow

Blue jay

Just a sparrow–but they like to pose for me.

juvenile brown headed cow bird (according to the Merlin app)

rose breasted grosbeak

While I was walking I had a fledgling fly past me and land.  I did see it on the ground.

the Merlin app says it is a baby rose-breasted grosbeak

I tried to move it somewhere that it could move a bit easier.  It was not happy, but I hope I was successful.

I know this is not a bird, but it’s still cute.


never seen one just sitting like this on a post before

happily singing

I still love my bobolinks the most (of the wild birds).

Mr. Peacock

And since I started with the geese, I suppose I should finish with Mr. Peacock.

Ready for the Weekend!

26 Apr

I am so ready for the weekend.  I’m already checking goats around the clock, so not having to get up and go to work will be nice.

the full pink moon setting over pasture

Hera is ready to pop!

Buffy was out enjoying the sunshine.

Ms. Goose was trying to lay an egg that cannot hatch.

They are so cute together! Tiger, Sky, and Rocky

Everyone up north is doing okay–Bee, Casey, Dolly, and Floyd

They get their splints removed and checked out next week.



one of the hens–barred rock

Pluto is still with the bucks; I can’t figure out how to get just him through a gate or door.

Sky is such a sweet, goofy boy.

Latte is so cute!

I still can’t get over how different Skittles looks (before I expanded her pen).

I can’t believe Ostara is about to be a mom.

Mr. Peacock

Zinnia is such an elegant lady.

Tiger is so funny!

And my sister will be here soon to help with kidding.  It’s all very exciting!

Just Some Leftover Images

19 Apr

It’s been a busy week.  Today, I’m just sharing some leftover images.

Athena and Mayberry


Shrek and Donkey


Pops is such a fun little guy.





Cupid and Ostara

My hens


Trace seems to be gaining weight!


Here’s to a good week ahead.