Archive | September, 2018

Pluto Moved

30 Sep

Pluto was doing well in the Love Shack, and he was getting more vocal about being alone, so I moved him back up north with his brother, Antigone, and Harley.

Anubis, Pluto, Harley (and Antigone behind her)

He’s able to walk through the grass now without falling.

He’s gaining strength every day, but with our suddenly cooler temperatures, I might have to get him a scarf for his naked neck.

I still don’t think he’ll be racing his brother for a little while yet.

Soon, I’m going to have to get Antigone moved out before the boys get ideas about how good smelling looking she is.

They are certainly big enough to get the job done.

I’m also going to try to move Harley out in a couple of weeks.  I think her back is strong enough as long as she doesn’t fight.


Then those little boys can’t be making oopsie babies!

A Hot Mess

29 Sep

I don’t usually refer to my girls as being a hot mess when they are in heat.  It’s normal hormones, and they can’t help it.  Astra seems to be taking this to the extreme though.

Xerxes and Astra

It’s the same as last time.  She doesn’t want to leave Xerxes.

I just told her a couple days ago that it’s nice her face was clean and white again.  Now, she’s been making out with Xerxes again.

She would starve if her heat cycle lasted very long.  Everyone else went across pasture, browsing on all the grass.

She stayed by Xerxes. And he’s just as bad.

He wasn’t interested in Daisy when she came over to see what was going on.

Xerxes, Myson, Astra, and Daisy

It’s so bad that they were both standing in the rain.  I had to go get a picture just as I was getting ready to publish this.

Oh, those two.  Hopefully, they will get their wish and she’ll get bred in a couple of weeks.

Greedy Girls

28 Sep

I’ve been trying to let Dolly and Pistol in to eat in the evenings when I get done milking.  For some reason, Lily showed up the other day and announced that she wanted in also.  So I let them all three in.

Pistol, Lily, and Dolly

That’s three generations of greedy girls:  Lily and her daughter Dolly and her daughter Pistol.

The fourth generation, Clover, thought she should get to come in too, but I’d just finished milking her.  Besides, I’m not sure a fourth one would fit in there.