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Random 5 Friday

18 Oct

For some reason it’s been a stressful week.  It might start with the construction at work where they are sawing wood to build cabinets.  Remember, I had to be moved from my basement office by the wood shop.  Well, it’s been a tough allergy week at work again.  It seriously makes me wonder why on earth we do this kind of construction during the school year.  I would hate to be a student with allergies and try to learn with all the dust.  Luckily, just when I was frustrated to the point of wanting to cry my eyes out (keep reading, and you’ll understand), I looked up and saw the full moon.  Somehow her presence and beauty is always a comfort.

full moon

I have the feeling the ten days I have my boys and girls mixed to  make my spring break babies will be the most stressful breeding session ever.  With all the hormones, everyone is fighting through the fences.  The girls are fighting, but someone keeps knocking a cattle panel loose, letting my little girls in with Fionn.  I will try yet again to mend that fence tonight.  So far, we’ve had one injury.  Fionn beat his ear between the fence and his horn, and he ended up ripping it to the point I had the vet come and finish cutting it off.  It’s till oozing today, and if it’s still icky when I get home, I’m going to try sticking it in a bowl of flour.  Wish me luck on that one!



I took Quigley out of the little buck pen and put him with Cupid in the yard.  Cupid is much happier having company, and I think Quigley likes not taking Cupid’s place as the low buck in the pecking order.  Stella is pretty good with them, but I’m still keeping an eye out to make sure they don’t get scared and run and look like fun to chase.  Cupid has really picked up weight, but his front foot is still sore.

Cupid and Quigley

Cupid and Quigley

I am a bleeding heart that loves her goats.  I always had the idea of selling my kids as pets or breeding stock, but having a fatal birth defect, entropion eyes, and CAE in my herd has changed that.  I’ve also had a change of heart anyhow.  I would rather have my kids live a short happy life here than go to a “forever farm” where they are neglected, bred too young, sold and resold, or any other number of horrors.  As much as it makes me sad to see my kids get sold to market, it’s better than many other alternatives.



Totally changing topics, I get to be the second camera at a wedding tomorrow.  My sister is the first camera, so we should have a lot of fun.  I hope we can give the couple some great photos to remember their special day!  I’m pretty sure, however, goats are easier to photograph than humans.

I’m sharing with Random 5 Friday, Camera Critters, Farmgirl Friday, and Weekly Top Shot.