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Scavenger Hunt Sunday

6 Oct

With parent-teacher conferences and rain and catching up from conferences, I’ve had a hard time finding pictures for this week’s hunt.  Here are the topics:  something colorful, light, you, in motion, and afternoon.

Something Colorful:  Can you believe I’m still canning?  I can’t.  This weekend I roasted and canned another 10 1/2 pints of tomato sauce and another 12 pints of cold packed tomatoes.  I’m really getting ready to be done.

tomato and pepper

You:  I usually try really, really hard to avoid the front side of the camera, and with the time crunch, you get me a bit more real than you might care for.  In the kitchen with a knife.  Tomatoes beware.  You are about to become sauce!

self portrait with tomato

Afternoon:  I do chores every afternoon.  The boys are always a bit enthusiastic to see their food.  It’s almost to the point of making it impossible to get in there and move around to actually give them the food.  But I do love my sweet boys!



Zin or Victor, Ralph, and Grey

Zin or Victor, Ralph, and Grey

In motion:   They might get a bit rowdy at times.

goat kids playing
boys playing

Light:  I like the light for these butterfly shots.  I had some questions about the question mark butterfly.  I think people thought I didn’t know what it was, but it really is a question mark butterfly.

Question Mark Butterfly

I had someone identify it as an Eastern comma, and they look exactly alike except for the little white on the closed wing.  The question mark has two white spots, and the eastern comma has only one.

Question Mark Butterfly

Of course, I was clueless as to what it was until my sister told me, and then I had to do research to make sure she was right after someone suggested it was an Eastern comma.  I really don’t know anything about butterfly identification.

I’m sharing with Scavenger Hunt Sunday, Macro Monday 2 and Mosaic Monday.