What’s Growing

22 May

I have to say, the hill just outside the lane has more grass than I’ve seen in years.  I am so grateful for the rain we’ve had. Although, we are still listed as being in moderate drought.  Of course, that might change with the new drought monitor being released tomorrow.

Zora isn’t feeling well; I’m trying to get her back to her bratopotamus normal.

I did finally get a couple of planters hung on my new post that my dad and I put up earlier in the spring.

geraniums and petunias

My herb garden looks amazing.  At least the part that has been planted.  The strawberries look really good and are covered in blooms and little berries.  I’ll have a harvest soon.

I have my peacock whirligig back out there.

My sage is blooming.

I’m thrilled the lavender lived through the winter, and it will be in full bloom soon.

My rose made it.  It’s still being attacked by aphids, but I did spray it with neem oil, so I hope that will keep them away.

The wormwood is pretty.

I did get another pot of rhubarb to plant in the open spot.  Hopefully it will do well.  That way, if my dog kills off the rhubarb up front by peeing on it, I’ll still have rhubarb.

The wild raspberries under my corner tree have really spread.  I’m happy with that.  If all those blossoms make a berry, I’ll actually have quite a few to harvest this year.

I’ve been cutting asparagus for my son and my dad.  I have had enough that I finally had to freeze some because they couldn’t keep up.

And I have a bit of a surprise harvest.  My onions from last year that just sat there and didn’t do anything because of the drought sprouted and grew.  I need to get them all harvested.

My plan for them is to dehydrate them and make onion powder.  So far, it’s been a good growing season.

4 Responses to “What’s Growing”

  1. Jeanne May 23, 2024 at 1:29 am #

    Very interesting post! Your pictures are beautiful. I really like your new post with its lovely flowers. What do you have in those two baskets? And it’s so good to know that your herb garden.

    I have two hanging baskets on the front porch. One, that my daughter gave me for Mother’s Day, is a beautiful fuschia,. The other is lovely geranium.

    Did you get any of that nasty storm?

    • Teresa May 23, 2024 at 6:50 am #

      The post has one basket of petunias and one of geraniums.

      I was so very lucky when the storm came through. I had a lot of rain (6 3/4 inches in 24 hours), but the tornadoes missed me. I am very grateful.

      • Jeanne May 24, 2024 at 11:59 pm #

        I’m so relieved that you weren’t hit by the terrible storms!

        That’s a lot of rain! But I’m sure your area needed it.

  2. Eileen Wise May 23, 2024 at 4:13 am #

    Your garden sounds wonderful, beautiful plants. Is the lavender hard to grow? I like your hanging plants and the new post. The peacock whirlgig is cute. Asparagus is a favorite, yum!

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