Tag Archives: Llenny


15 Feb

I don’t know what to do with Llenny.  He was doing better.  I had him eating a quart of sweet feed and a pad of good alfalfa hay every day.  He was picking up weight.  Then he quit eating.  I don’t know why.  The vet came, and he had no ideas.



I’ve wormed him and given him probiotics, but I’m at a loss.


I also let him out, so he could have company.  I thought it might be the isolation that was causing him to quit eating.  I don’t think he’s left the Love Shack or the space that was fenced around it, but the goats have certainly come in to provide him some company.  I guess now I just keep hoping.

I hope you’ll come back to join me for Friday’s Hunt.  I do have this week’s list at the top of my side bar.

Just Some Farm Animals

5 Feb

Last month I signed up to do an on-line digital photography class.  About three days in, I got the e-mail saying the class was no longer going to be offered, but since I had started it, I could finish.  Oh, but it would no longer be available after Feb. 15. I have been frantically trying to finish the class, and I finally did last night!  Now I might actually have some time to practice what they taught me.  These are just some of my first efforts shooting in RAW.

Penny & Ellie May

Penny & Ellie May







Princess (front) and Haley (behind)

Princess (front) and Haley (behind)

Odie and Maybeline

Odie and Maybeline



I think I like it, but it’s a lot of work.  I’ll have to save that for special occasions.


29 Jan

I know I sound like a broken record, but I’ll say it again.  The horrible warm fall and crazy up-and-down temperatures are really hard on the animals.  Now Llenny has pneumonia.



Unfortunately sheep, goats, and llamas all mask their symptoms.  It’s hard to know when they don’t feel well.  Add to that all of his wool, and I don’t know how long he had been sick.  I have been worried, but I couldn’t figure out any symptoms other than losing weight.  Then I caught him in a wet, phlegmy cough.


I consulted the vet and had my nephew come help me treat Llenny with antibiotics.  He’s shut in the Love Shack now, so he doesn’t have to fight the goats for food.  He isn’t following the llama lladies out to pasture.  He has nothing to do buy eat and recover.  Bless my nephew.  He even brought me a bale of really good, rich alfalfa hay.


I even decided to shut Daisy in with him, so he has company.



It also worked well to get Daisy away from her mom because Bambi is going to have new kids in just over a month, and I kept catching Daisy nursing yet.


I even brought home some sweet feed to try and encourage him to eat more.  Hopefully, he’ll be able to recover.

I do hope you’ll come back to join me for Friday’s Hunt.  I have this week’s items listed at the top of my side bar.