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Rain, Rain…

30 Apr

We’ve had rain all weekend.  The goats did get to go out and eat a bit yesterday, but they got rained on, and back they came to take shelter in the barn.

Betty Lou (top) and Sallie (front)

I decided to take pity on them and give them some hay.  They ate for about two seconds, and then they decided they’d rather go back out to pasture.


Even though it wasn’t raining then, the grass was wet.  It was cold and windy.  They still preferred to eat that green grass.


The kids didn’t seem too upset with their wet feet and legs.

Dove and Jinx

The llady llamas were happy to eat that hay.


Although, I’m not sure they each needed a whole bale.


Today, I’m not being quite so nice since they wasted half of what I fed them yesterday, but they did have a nice soft bed for the night.

I hope you’ll come back to join me for Friday’s Hunt.  I have next week’s items at the top of my side bar.