Tag Archives: mirror

Check It Off

6 Nov

Last week, with my dad’s help, I managed to get another to-do item checked off my list.  Since I had to remove stuff from my bedroom for the windows to be replaced, I thought I should have help putting my bed back so I didn’t scratch up the newly finished floor.


Since he was here to help me put my bed back, we also took the time to hang the mirror over my dresser.

It only took eight months!   Rocky seems to enjoy being a mirror model.

I’m definitely happy with the results.  Although, this picture was before I cleaned the mirror (What was I thinking?).

Although, the mirror is straight and the floor is crooked.

Friday’s Hunt v1.4

22 Jan

Welcome back to Friday’s Hunt.  I want to thank everyone who joined in last week.  I had a lot of fun visiting everyone who linked up.  I’m excited for week four!  It’s very simple.  Anyone can participate.  The link opens at 7pm Central time and will close Sunday at 7pm, so you have plenty of time to enter. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to visit some of the other entries.

If you didn’t participate this week but would like to next week, the topics will be:  Starts with E, Week’s Favorite, and sky.  I will always keep a list of the items for the coming week in my sidebar at the top. Without furthur ado, here’s my interpretations for the week.

Starts with D:  Depth of field.  I have admit this was a hard week between short days, crazy weather and chores.  Finally, last night I got around to taking my first pictures of the week.  I decided to play with depth of field.  I started with a shallow depth of field and finished with a deeper one.

pine cone collage

Week’s Favorite:  Honestly, I didn’t have much for choice.  I guess taking the time to play with the camera was my favorite activity this week.  I’m looking forward to this weekend when the weather is supposed to be much nicer, so I’ll hopefully be able to play outside with the camera.

pine cone_0576ews

Beautiful:  I have this beautiful mirror with a grape leaf design around the edge.  I love it, but I don’t really have anywhere to hang it, so it just sits in my dining room.


I actually bought it from an antique store because I thought it would be a great photography prop.  Maybe someday…


Now it’s your turn to link up.