Tag Archives: Freddie

Udder Checks

18 Feb

Udder checks are done, and here are my best estimates of who’s due for spring break babies.  Of course, I’m never surprised when I’m wrong.

First up is Onyx.  She is due March 11th, and she’ll give me one of my last Freddie babies.


Purl is due on the 13th, and she’s also having a Freddie baby.  I wasn’t sure about her, but I finally felt a tiny udder bump.  Sometimes, in the winter their udders don’t drop until just before they are due.


On the 14th, I have three girls due.  Perdita will have her first kid, and she is also the last of the girls carrying Freddie babies.  I kinda hope she has a beautiful sweet girl that I could keep to eventually be a milking doe.


Also on that day, I have Hilda.  At eight, she’s my oldest one having babies.  She was with Benji.

Hilda (with her girl Rosie)

The third one due that day is Athena.  She is also having a Benji baby.


Aphrodite is due on the 15th.  I confess, I did not try to feel her udder, but I’m pretty sure she settled.  She was also with Benji.


Penelope is due on the 16th.  She’s carrying my first Frodo baby.

Frodo and Penelope (it’s going to have to be a cute baby)

The last two are due on St. Patrick’s Day.  They both settled on the first day that Benji kept breaking out and re-joining the girls.  Cutie already has an udder visibly showing.


So does LilyAnn.  I am kind of hoping that LilyAnn has a gorgeous Benji buck to keep.  But I’ll talk about that more in a later post.


I can’t believe we’re this close to spring break babies!

Finally Finished Selling

26 Nov

I finally finished selling goats for the year. I really will miss Crystal.  She’s a funny little girl.


I penned Zinnia’s girls Friday evening.


Then my nephews came Saturday morning, and we loaded seven kids and Freddie.


I will miss Freddie, but it’s a firm rule that you can’t live here if you try to kill me.

Freddie and 7 kids on the trailer; two nephews helping.

So it’s good to get this all done. And for the record, I could not catch Zora.

Daisy and Zora in pasture

She’ll be here at least until next year.

Still Here

20 Nov

Look who’s still here!

Yep, Simon and Howie.

Simon and Howie

The girls are still here too.

Crystal and Mini (Terry was in the Love Shack with her maa)

So is Freddie.


I texted my nephew on Thursday to see if I needed to catch the last little girls and get them penned to load out Saturday morning, and he informed me that the truck we needed to pull the trailer was leaking “copious amounts of oil.”

Zinnia with her girls Barbie (front) and Jeanie

Simon (OMGoatness! That little beard is too cute!)

That means I don’t know how long they will be here.

If it warms up, I can take the littles in my truck, but I have to have the trailer for Freddie.

Zora, the Bratopotamus

And if it takes too long, I’ll actually be able to catch Zora.