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Start to the Summer Garden Season

4 Jun

Well, I ended work on Friday.  Saturday morning, my nephew brought my dad’s tractor/tiller out to my garden.  He made me till the first two strips.

I tilled this! First time driving that tractor.

Then he was nice enough to finish it.  Honestly, it was super easy to run, and I could have finished it.  I think he thought he would just do it faster and could get back to his own garden.

Anyhow, I made a quick run to town to buy plants, and then I spent time Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning getting the whole thing planted.

It’s a lot smaller this year, and that is okay.  I still have the onions growing from last year.  They will be ready to harvest soon.

I’ve been working in the herb garden.  The strawberries have been super productive.

I have frozen several quart bags full.

Up next is planting the rest of it. As soon as my dad’s hand tiller is returned, I’ll use it and get this area tilled and planted. I’m putting a bunch of green beans here because the dang groundhogs eat them up north.   Hopefully, I can get a good harvest and can a bunch for my mom, my dad, and me this year.

I still have a lot of work to do here.  I’ve cut out the Virginia creeper and volunteer grape vines.  Zora appreciated a snack of Virginia creeper.  My hope is to have this into something nice by the end of the summer.

I’m going to start a small patch of dill along the Morton building.

I’m also adding rhubarb along the Morton building.  It’s an insurance patch.

I finally got the rhubarb by my deck weeded.

Sky checking out the pile of weeds.

It’s hard to care for with a fence around it, but the fence was there to keep my dog from peeing on it and killing it.  Which is why I planted a backup patch.  I’m undecided yet on whether or not I’m putting the fence back around it.

I am also so confident that my last plan for Skittles and the goats is going to be successful that I bought the hostas I plan to put on the north side of the Morton building.

Skittles in the barnyard (ignoring goats–that’s good)

So this better work.

I have several varieties to plant all along the north side of the building.

Anyhow, I am making progress.