Looking Better

27 Apr

Having triplets and mastitis was really hard on Chiffon. It’s a good thing we took one kid from her because she’s still been struggling to raise two.

Chiffon and her three bucks

Chiffon is looking much better.


If you remember, the little stinkers won’t take a bottle from me.  But all three have been coming into the milk room in the evenings to eat sweet feed/calf starter.

Chiffon, Nestle and Sonny

Usually, Chiffon is waiting for me by the door when I get home; but sometimes I let Dolly in first because I have to track down Sonny and Nestle.


This makes Chiffon impatient.

peeking in the door

This is really helping all three of them.


I’m pretty confident they will all pull through.

I know it’s helping because it’s getting harder to carry the two boys across the barnyard to the milk room.

Over the weekend, I caught them lounging around chewing their cuds!  That means all that sweet feed and grass from pasture will really start to help them.

Nestle in front; Sonny in back

I keep telling Chiffon that it’s not always this hard.  Poor girl.

2 Responses to “Looking Better”

  1. Jeanne May 3, 2021 at 12:12 pm #

    Teresa, I’m sorry I missed writing a comment on this one. I hope you get to see it. I’m so glad Chiffon and her little bucks are doing so well. They are all so beautiful! I didn’t realize you would have to carry Nestle and Sonny that way… Maybe they will start to follow you! I think Nestle is especially pretty with his unusual coloring.

    Have a good day!

    • Teresa May 3, 2021 at 2:05 pm #

      The boys have figured it out. They follow mom in now.

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