Friday’s Hunt v3. 23

9 Jun

Welcome back to Friday’s Hunt. I want to thank everyone who joined in last week. I had a lot of fun visiting everyone who linked up. It’s very simple. Anyone can participate. The link opens at 7pm Central time and will close Sunday at 7pm, so you have plenty of time to enter. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to visit some of the other entries.

If you didn’t participate this week but would like to next week the topics will be: Starts with X, Week’s Favorite, and insect. I will always keep a list of the items for the coming week in my sidebar at the top. I am crazy busy with teaching and working on the farm right now, but I will make sure to visit all participants. Without further ado, here’s my interpretations for the week.

Starts with W:  I’ve had a few W goats on the farm:  Wanda, Wanda, Watson, Wendall, Whitey, Will, Willie, Willie, Wilson, and Winnie.  The only one currently on the farm is Wanda (who was named after her sister Wanda).  Here she is with her daughter Ava.

Wanda with the wattles and Ava

Week’s Favorite:  My week’s favorite is a no brainer this week.  Tequilla and Margarita finally figured out how to nurse their mom!  Yay!  No more milking and bottle feeding.

Tequilla, Maggie, and Margarita

Pastel: I was really surprised that I do not have many pastel things around the farm.  I finally settled on my cherry blossom goat’s milk soap.  It’s also one of my favorite fragrances.

Now it’s your turn!

Edited:  Sorry I forgot the linky.  Oops.. I blame kidding.

11 Responses to “Friday’s Hunt v3. 23”

  1. Jim June 9, 2017 at 7:06 pm #

    I’m so glad those kids are fast learners. Do wattles grow on with maturity or wisdom? To bad we don’t have an app for ‘scratch ame sniff.’ Thank you for hoisting !!! 😉

  2. Patty Leonard Woodland June 9, 2017 at 7:07 pm #

    Tequilla looks so happy in that photo.

  3. Ralph June 9, 2017 at 7:42 pm #

    Wanda and wattles – perfect (and cute) W’s! Tequilla and Margarita may have learned slowly, but they have learned. Nice pastel soaps!

  4. pattisj June 9, 2017 at 9:08 pm #

    Love the babies! Thanks for hosting, amid all your other jobs.

  5. Gattina June 10, 2017 at 2:21 am #

    The little once are so cute !

  6. Suzanne Gunter McClendon June 10, 2017 at 3:11 am #

    Awww the kids are adorable and I love Maggie’s color and name. 🙂 My maternal grandma was named Maggie and so is my youngest daughter.

    That is a beautiful shade of pink. I bet it smells great!

    Have a blessed weekend.

  7. tomthebackroadstraveller June 10, 2017 at 5:57 am #

    …Tequilla looks to be jumping for joy.

  8. scotiaspinner June 10, 2017 at 7:04 pm #

    I love Ava’s little dark spot – looks like she splashed a bit of paint on herself. So glad the twins figured out the nursing routine – it helps so much when they don’t have to rely on you!

  9. Jeanne June 10, 2017 at 9:49 pm #

    I’m with Jim, wishing we could sniff that beautiful Cherry Blossom soap!! Maggie and her babes are beautiful! I’m so glad they both learned to nurse! Wanda and Ava are so pretty.


  1. Friday’s Hunt | McClendon Villa - June 10, 2017

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  2. Friday’s Hunt June 11th | Midnight Calico Farm - June 11, 2017

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