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A Bunch of Birds

19 Jun

I haven’t had may walks out in pasture just to see the birds, but I have captured a few birds here and there.  And this post was postponed a couple of times due to goat births, so I’ve added to it (or upgraded the pictures) also.  Of course, I have to start with my two girls enjoying their freedom from the chicken pen.

Miss Goose and Buffy

an Eastern meadowlark in pasture

a juvenile dove in my yard

There are sooo many dickcissels this summer.

I think I have bluebirds nesting in my yard or barnyard this year, which is pretty awesome.

barn swallow

Blue jay

Just a sparrow–but they like to pose for me.

juvenile brown headed cow bird (according to the Merlin app)

rose breasted grosbeak

While I was walking I had a fledgling fly past me and land.  I did see it on the ground.

the Merlin app says it is a baby rose-breasted grosbeak

I tried to move it somewhere that it could move a bit easier.  It was not happy, but I hope I was successful.

I know this is not a bird, but it’s still cute.


never seen one just sitting like this on a post before

happily singing

I still love my bobolinks the most (of the wild birds).

Mr. Peacock

And since I started with the geese, I suppose I should finish with Mr. Peacock.