A Just Pictures Kind of Day

15 Jun

It has been a very busy, productive start to my summer break.  Here’s just a few pictures for today.


Thalia and Ty on the west side of the barn


Skittles and Maybeline sharing the barn door

The monstera I got in February is kind of getting out of control in a happy way.

(BJ, Gabe, Frodo, and Herky) I have to decide which bucks I’m keeping and which I’m selling. 😦

Maisie is back in pasture.

My great nephews are just so adorable with my granddaughter, Addilyn.

Horrible picture, but Silk standing on her mom, Zinnia, just cracked me up.

I’m not the only one happy my lavender survived the winter.

This bumblebee was huge!


Don’t know who this kid is, but I liked the dappled light.

This was growing on the downed limb of a cottonwood tree

I don’t know what kind of fungi they are, but the bugs really liked them.

And I’m in full on summer mode.  I have no idea what day it is or anything else. Bliss!

4 Responses to “A Just Pictures Kind of Day”

  1. janicead June 15, 2024 at 4:33 pm #

    Post kidding season seems to have helped settle down your life. Well, at least you are getting less interrupted sleep. The kid on mom’s lol.

    • Teresa June 15, 2024 at 4:59 pm #

      I wouldn’t call it settled. But I’m using up the last of my pre-done posts that were for while I was up checking goats. But I will say, it’s nice that I only had interrupted sleep for one night (while Astra was in labor).

  2. Jeanne June 15, 2024 at 8:42 pm #

    Those are some really nice pictures. I’m always fascinated by a kid jumping onto his or her mom. It seems like those moms must be extra patient.

    The little “unknown” kid is adorable!

    The nephews are really cute adoring little Addilyn. They’re all so precious!

  3. Eileen Wise June 16, 2024 at 4:38 am #


    A wonderful collection of photos. I love all the goats, your kitty and the shot of the kiddies together is great. The shot of Maybeline and Skittles is a favorite. Your Monstera is beautiful. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

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