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In Two Weeks

2 Jun

Well, my June kidding should have been this week, but Zora obviously is not going to kid this week.  I’m just glad she is continuing to improve.

Zora having a snack

The next kid is due in two weeks on June 14th.  I have to say, Astra is really starting to make me think she might have triplets.  She’s huge.

Astra needs a wide load sign

I have been letting her come in to eat a bit of sweet feed each evening just to help with her nutrition.  I really don’t want to lose any more kids.

coming in for sweet feed

Four days later, Joy is due.  I’d invite her in to eat as well, but she won’t come.  Some days that girl just makes me shake my head.

Joy is pretty round too

As big as she is, I’m thinking she might have twins.  That would be good.  The only other time she had twins, she had her kids on her own.  Every other time, it has involved me working horribly to try and pull her baby out.

And I think those are the last two.  I checked udders on a couple of them and I am pretty sure Flora, 2TC, and Moxie are not going to have a baby this year.  I am fine with that.




And then there’s Daisy–I think the milk is just because she’s a milky goat.  I don’t think she’s going to have a kid.


But she could surprise me.