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My Last Plan

1 Jun

If Skittles can’t figure out how to co-exist with the goats, she can’t stay here.  I just don’t have that much space for the long term.

Skittles looking out to pasture

I thought I could work it out for a longer time, but I have to have Maybeline in pasture because of the coyotes.  Friday, after work, I let her out with the goats.

She enjoyed a quick run in pasture

She went out to pasture with them, but she didn’t stay out there for very long.  She came back up to the barnyard.  I’ve suggested she have a long conversation with Skittles about just letting goats exist.

She was only out a few minutes before heading back up to the barnyard to hang with Skittles.

My plan is to force her companionship with a goat.  As a herd animal, she really does want company.  I mentioned that Maisie was rather anemic, so she could benefit from not running all over pasture and getting a little extra care.


In the evening, the goats came back up from pasture.

Maisie on the hill

Maybeline actually went back out for a couple of minutes.


Then she ran back to be with Skittles.

The goats finally came in from pasture, and I had Maisie go up north.  The other goats might have been a bit jealous of the sweet feed I used to invite Maisie up there.

Maisie eating sweet feed with an audience

The plan: When the herd (and hopefully Maybeline) goes out to pasture, I’ll put these two together.  Skittles has done well when it’s just a goat or two.  I’m going to see how they do with close supervision to begin.

I do adore Skittles, so I hope this will work.

I’ll keep them together longer and longer until I am comfortable with them spending the night together.  If I can get her to do okay with Maisie, I’ll try to add Zora.  She is doing much better now.

Zora resting in my garage

I’m trying to get Zora back into goat life.  In the small north paddock would be a good next step.

Zora snacking on a few weeds outside the garage

Then I will go from there.  Otherwise, I just can’t keep her here, and that would upset both Maybeline and me.