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Landscape, Garden and Plants

23 Jun

I thought I had things arranged to fix the trench in my back yard and add a sidewalk to get rid of the mud.  But the person I hired seems to be better at giving estimates than actually doing any work, so I am back to the drawing board of finding someone to do the work.

There are muddy paw prints in there.

In the meantime, I have been working outside.  I am switching the ugly temporary lattice fence for a more appropriate garden fence.  It’s also hopefully temporary.

Not a lot of beans have come up, but it’s not been the best growing season since I got done teaching for the summer. It should have been planted a month sooner, and it would be doing much better.

There are a few beans coming up. I like that you can see through the new fence. I think I’m going to put a short edging around it to keep the soil from washing onto the patio.

I did also add another little citrus tree.  They were on clearance, so I had to bring home the lemon tree.

Look–it has blossoms; surely I’ll have room in the house to overwinter it.

I might have an addiction to houseplants.  I’ve added a couple more.

The top two are new: Thai Constellation Monstera and White Knight Philodendron (bottom is a Pink Princess Philodendron)

I also had to divide one of my pink princess philodendrons.  There used to be three of them in this one pot, so they really are enjoying having more room with each of them in their own pot.

There were three of them in this one pot!

My little four-inch pot of tradescantia zebrina got put into this twelve-inch pot.  I just wound all the long strands around. Hopefully, it will put a lot more roots down and thrive in its new bigger pot.

It looks full. It just needs to put down a lot more roots.

My poor yucca plant was being choked by all the grass and weeds because I haven’t been able to mow that with all the gravel from the road grader in the winter.

I used to mow around it, but that hasn’t happened for a while and the road grader keeps filling my ditch with rock.

It’s even blooming. That’s how I figured out it is still alive.

So I sucked it up, ordered some grass shears so I didn’t have to use scissors, and cleared it. It was a bit of a job. I still need to do up by the fence, but I was tired and it started sprinkling, so that was a good excuse to take a break.

Hopefully, now that it is cleared I’ll be able to keep it maintained. Poor baby needs some TLC.

Sometimes, I wonder if I’ll ever get everything caught up. It might help if I quit buying more house plants, but they make me happy.