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Astra and Heat

12 Jun

Astra does not do well in heat, and we’re supposed to be stupid hot starting today.  Yesterday started off quite comfortable, but got pretty warm.  But today and for the next week, it’s supposed to be stupid hot and humid.

And Astra is pregnant–very pregnant.


I decided to move Zora to the Morton building where she’d be a bit cooler; I’m not sure how she will do with this heat.

Zora is well enough to be a bratopotamus but that’s it.

I added Astra when she was looking close; although it was about four days before her due date.  Of course, knowing how she does not tolerate heat, I suggested she have her babies right away.

Astra lying in the back between Tansy and Skittles when they came up from pasture

Of course, she was mean to Zora, so I had to shut her in the back part of the Morton building.  She is still too anemic to be chased around.

She really does need to rest and eat and that’s it.

The next morning, I went out to see she had two kids with her!

I checked her all night, but she did it on her own!

Of course, after I had gone to the trouble of putting Zora on the back part of the Morton building to protect her from Astra, Astra decided she wanted to have them in the old lean to.

That probably wasn’t a bad plan since Skittles had been using the Morton building as her toilet and I didn’t have time to get it cleaned out first.

still cleaning them off

With her really full teats, I made sure they both got to nurse.  Astra is so good for me to help her kids.

Time for colostrum!

Anyhow, Astra has a boy and a girl–the two most boring Gabe kids we’ve had.