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Getting Back to Normal

9 Jun

Honestly, I’m not sure what normal is around here other than chaos.  But, I’m at least trying to get back to a normal level of crazy.  The weekend I first started trying to get Skittles and Maisie together, part of the time was spent shutting Skittles out of the yard and mowing a path through the two-foot tall grass she (and Maybeline) wouldn’t touch.

Sky enjoyed coming in his yard again.

I had to get my clothesline up and running because my dryer died.  I’ll deal with that later.  For now, I’m just happy to be hanging my clothes out on the line again!

Since things were going well with Skittles, I also mowed the rest of the yard.  I’m still getting it finished and trimmed.  But it’s mowed.

He had to mark every place that smelled like a llama.

Skittles is in the back part (the north paddock)

And I took all the panels down.  I had to have them to re-do the pen for the Love Shack.  I also added a tarp for shade.

The Love Shack

Then I brought Zora out to the Love Shack.  She had been in my garage for 2 1/2 weeks.  That’s a long time.  She’s still in pretty critical condition, but she is much better than she was.

Zora is still in pretty rough shape, but she is much better.

At least she gets sunshine and can see the other goats part of the time.  And there’s some grass in there for her. I’m not sure this is really normal, but at least it’s a little closer to being normal.