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A Summer Storm

7 Jun

Tuesday evening once again saw severe weather headed my direction.

Before it arrived, I went out to make sure the goats were all close (and take pictures).

They were right at the edge of the lane.

On my way out to take pictures, I ran across a little rabbit.  I hope it found a nice dry place to weather the storm.

It made for some impressive looking clouds.

It wasn’t long after I got back to the house that it started raining.  Believe it or not, we once again dodged the bullet of severe weather.

I did have to go out and let Antigone into the garage with Zora.  When it slowed down, I took Sassy Pants Pistol over there to be with her mom.

Antigone, Sassy Pants and Zora

I figured it was too wet and muddy to kick her out even once the rain stopped.  We ended up with 6/10ths of an inch.

This is so much better than guessing by looking in a feed pan.

We did get a nice rain.