
27 Jun

I do my chores in the afternoon.  I have four sets of critters that I’m giving food to; the rest are strictly eating on pasture. First are my chickens and peacocks.  They are actually pretty mellow.

Mr. Peacock

Although the hens do demand mealy worms.  I will provide them some as a treat occasionally.

I do like to give my two goosie girls a bit of grain.  They certainly know where their food comes from.

Their food comes out of the chicken pen, and they get to eat here every day.

Buffy seems to be demanding to know why I haven’t served their dinner yet.

Yes, Buffy. I’m working on it.

I don’t know why Skittles is standing there looking like she expects me to feed her from there.

She obviously knows where her food is placed.  I feed both her and Maybeline from the blue pans hanging over the fence.

The stare–where is my food?

Skittles can be a bit demanding. If I don’t feed her when she thinks I should, she’ll actually throw the pans on the ground.  Seriously.

I know those pans were hanging on the fence, and Sky didn’t knock them down.

I do give them llama feed every day.  Skittles has some obvious nervousness around food.

pacing at the fence as I get ready to hang the pan for her

So I want her to feel comfortable that she will have plenty to eat.  Maybeline is pretty mellow about food; in fact, she didn’t even come out to eat this afternoon, and Skittles will often steal her food as well.

And then my four girls in the Morton building are still getting sweet feed.  They have no problem running over me to get to the feed.

Purl and Zora

Astra and Joy

They all try to convince me that I’m starving them and need to feed them right now!  Do not believe them.

One Response to “Demanding”

  1. Eileen Wise June 28, 2024 at 4:23 am #

    All your animals are well fed and look happy. I love all the cute photos. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

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