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Done Kidding

14 Jun

So I was happy that Astra had her kids three days early.

Astras buck and doe in the Morton building

I was excited to get a few nights sleep because Joy was still a week away from being due. I was still checking and her udder was filling, but I figured I had a night or two before I had to get up and check her in the night.

Joy from a couple of weeks ago

After she was out in pasture all day on Wednesday (the day after Astra had her kids), I figured I should at least check on her.  Besides, it was a good excuse to go for a short walk in pasture.

the herd on the hill

Then I didn’t see her.  I was starting to get nervous because if she only had one in there, she’d never have it on her own.  And I didn’t see her.  Before traipsing all over the pasture, I decided to circle back and make sure I hadn’t missed her.  I had.  She was up under the walnut tree with her kids.

Joy and her twins

I am so happy she had two in there.  They are about six days early, but they are doing well.  She is such a good mom that I had no problem getting her to come back to the barnyard with me (of course I was carrying her kids).  The only problem I had was when she would get in front of me and realize she didn’t know where we were going.

She might have snorted at me several times. (buck on the left; doe on the right)

I put her up in the Quonset hut because she would be all by herself up there and she could have some bonding time with her new kids.  Because she was truly a nervous wreck by this time.  She needed some quiet time with them.

Joy looking around like she’s never been on the farm before (this girl…).

And I am absolutely thrilled with that adorable little girl!

her baby girl

Gabe actually gave me an adorable girl from all four of the does he bred.  What a good boy! Now I have hard decisions.