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In the Lane

3 Jun

I love the lane we created when we redid the fence.  It’s a lot wider than it was before.

Maybeline headed back into the barnyard

But you see that green stuff that Maybeline is running through?  Thistles.  It’s all thistles.  And it really hurts to walk through there.

Zinnia and kids

Now, I had the plan that after about two years, they would disappear because the goats keep them eaten down. Seriously–that makes my mouth hurt to watch.


But, the lane is not quite wide enough for that.  There’s still thistles on the other side of the fence, and when they bloom and go to seed, the seeds blow right back into the lane.

It’s tall and about to bloom on the other side of the fence.

So now, I’m trying to figure out how to get them taken care of.

Astra was also helping to keep them eaten down.

In my defense, I had just started using the weed eater in all of this last summer when I discovered the kittens and lost my septic system and they started the Morton building.  Hopefully, I can do a better job this summer, but I’m already really behind.