Tag Archives: The Little Stripper Popcorn Sheller

Homegrown Popcorn

9 Oct

Last spring we planted popcorn.  Now the stalks are all brown and dying.

I checked the popcorn to see if it was ready.  It feels pretty dry.  We had it tested a couple weeks ago, and it was still wet, but it’s much better now.

I think it’s time to pick.  I did a little sample today, so I could try out “The Little Stripper Popcorn Sheller”.

In the old days, you had to just use your thumb.  By the time you finished one ear, your thumbs were raw.

I put the sheller around the ear and just started gently twisting back and forth.  The kernels just fell off!

After just a few seconds, I had a bare cob.  I really like this thing!

Once you get the popcorn off the cob, you have to let it dry.  You don’t want it to mold.  It also need to have the hulls and silks removed.  The easiest way to do this it pour it from one container to another on a windy day.

Then you finally get to prepare it!  Use 1/4 cup of popcorn and put it in a brown sandwich bag.  You can add a pad of butter if you want.

Fold the end over a couple of times, and you’re ready to put it in the microwave.  Be sure to set it on a paper towel if you’ve added the butter.

Microwave it for about 2 – 2 1/2 minutes.  You want to stop it when you go a second or two without popping.

It will be hot when you take it out, so be careful.  Pour it into a bowl, and you’re ready to eat!


I think every single kernel popped!

Now I have lots and lots of popcorn to pick.

Linking to Homestead Barn Hop.

Linking to Macro Monday.