Tag Archives: Beaverstock

Long Holiday Weekend

3 Jul

If my scheduled posting works, as you read this, I’m enjoying a nice pasta dinner with a glass of wine and celebrating the company of my wonderful goatsister, Mimi Foxmorton.  I’ve left the farm and am spending this long holiday weekend in New York!  It’s all very exciting as I get to meet a couple of new Facebook goatsisters as well as those I’ve already met.

Goat Sisters

Don’t worry, my son and mom are taking care of the critters, and my wonderful neighbor is milking Haley.  I wouldn’t be able to enjoy this time if it weren’t for them.



I’ll have very limited computer time while I’m gone, but I have posts scheduled to go up everyday, and when I get back and can’t do anything because of my toe surgery, I might force you to look at my vacation photos. (Just mostly kidding)

4th of July Fireworks

I hope you have a wonderfully blessed and safe 4th of July.