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A Lawn and Garden Day

25 Jun

After several days with just over three inches of rain, it was time to spend some time working on the lawns and gardens.

my garden in the north yard

I have two yards to mow.  I started Sunday morning by mowing up north.

the north yard

Holy buckets, it is not an easy mow.  There are hills and holes and ground hog dens and it’s rough.  But I got it done.

Most of the obstacles and holes aren’t visible in this picture.

Then I came down and started in my driveway.  It’s not too bad to mow, but it’s awkward and I’m still dealing with some stuff to clean up and tight turns. But I have worked hard the last year to get it cleaned up.

My drive area isn’t quite as big as the picture makes it look, but it is as big as some people’s whole yard.

I did make a pass around the yucca, which already looks better after being cleared and getting some rain.

It does look a tiny bit better.

Another reason I couldn’t mow any closer before all my grass/weed cutting is because I knew there was a rock there; I just didn’t know where.  It’s fairly big, like I might need some help getting it moved.

Inside my yard is still a challenge because of the trench.  I’m still just irritated about that.

I had to wait for my laundry to finish drying; Sky was checking out the mower.

But I did what I could.

East of the trench had been mowed.

At least it looks better.

I really am happy that Im getting it back under control and landscaped again.

I really did want to start in the garden because it has weeds in it now that it rained.  I did get a start on pulling around the plants (after I took these pictures).

my okra has sprouted

the last tomatoes I planted need to perk up a bit

a bumper crop of milkweed

the potatoes look good

It’s still too muddy to cultivate though; so I decided that would be a “tomorrow” project. Instead, I pulled one of the three rows of onions from last year.

One row of onions I’m going to dehydrate to make onion powder.

It didn’t look like that many when I pulled them at the garden.  I think I’m going to be busy with onions for a while.