Moving Goats Around

15 Apr

I know. I know.  I am always moving goats around.  But I really do need to.  I’ll spare you all of the details and just let you know where everyone ended up.  I moved my three little bucks onto the front pasture.

Gabe, BJ, and Herky happily eating–lots more green stuff for them.

Frodo and Pluto are still there too.

Pluto and Frodo

There was about thirty minutes of playful fighting, and then they decided they could just get along fine.  Pluto would still rather be with the main herd, and I might do that if I can get just him through a door or gate.

Pluto, Frodo, Gabe, BJ, and Herky

Antigone was easy.  I just turned her back out with the main herd.


Then, I put Casey, Dolly, and the two little gimpy kids up north.

Casey, Dolly, Floyd and Bee

I have decided Casey keeps dropping weight because his teeth are not quite enough to chew and grind grass or hay anymore.  He really needs the sweet feed.


It did warm up (way too warm if you ask everyone), so Dolly is fine out of the garage.  I hope it stays warm enough for her.  And the two little kids really needed to get outside for some sunshine, fresh air, and a bigger play area.

Floyd and Bee can really get around and exercise those legs out there.

It seems to be working well for everyone so far.  And I got my garage back!

It’s half cleaned out.

I even got part of it cleaned out.

One Response to “Moving Goats Around”

  1. Eileen Wise April 16, 2024 at 4:35 am #

    I hope everyone is happy with the move!

    The kids are so cute, I love all the goats.

    They keep you busy! Take care, have a great day!

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