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A Little Bundle of Joy

7 Jun

I’ve had some of the girls who are close to kidding shut in, so my mom can check them while I’m at work.  I have Zinnia, Aphrodite, and LilyAnn in the greenhouse.



I haven’t decided when Aphrodite and LilyAnn are due, but they look closer than my original estimate–like they might have been bred right away like Zinnia and Cookie.

Aphrodite and LilyAnn

If you have to lay down to eat your sweet feed, you’re definitely ready.


Wednesay evening, I noticed that Penny’s udder had suddenly filled.

It also made the place she ripped her udder come back open.  Poor girl.

Anyhow, I put her in the Love Shack with Cookie and her girls.  That way she’s not running around in the tall grass with that udder injury.

Chiffon, Cookie, Marge, and Penny

She is due on Saturday, and it’s good for her to get a bit of TLC and sweet feed while she’s this close.  My mom is spoiling her by brushing the rest of her winter coat out.

Then, at 3:00 am Thursday morning, Zinnia had her baby girl!  A beautiful little bundle of Joy.

Zinnia and Joy

Mom is doting and protective, and she keeps snorting at me when I get close to her baby.

I don’t care if Zinnia wants me to stay away.  She’s going to be a nice sweet little girl.


Unlike Cookie’s little hooligan girls.

Chiffon and Marge

These two are wild things!   Monday is my last day of work before summer break.  I will be glad to be home with everyone.