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She’s Got No Respect

10 Apr

It’s true.  As much as I love my Maxine, she’s got no respect for fences.

Gelbvieh cow

I have to repair more fence because of her than any other animal on the farm.

cows and calf

I have it so she and Norma Jean can come into the barnyard and barn for shelter and a drink and licking the salt/mineral block.

cows in barnyard

She wants to be with MJ, and she wants the easy meal of hay.  The grass is greener. Yeah, she’s got all kinds of excuses.

red cow

She’s driving me crazy.  She was pushing down my cattle panel into MJ’s section of the barn just one day after I put it up.

bent cattle panel

I finally had to chase her down the lane (at a sedate walk) and chewed her butt the whole time until she got to the top of the hill.

cows going to pasture

Of course, that leaves Norma Jean and her baby bull looking at me like I’m a scary lunatic.

cows in pasture

So far (after I also added another fence post), she’s not been pushing it again.

Sharing with Good Fences and Skywatch Friday.